-The psalmist starts out saying "I lift my eyes to the hills", giving us the image of someone in a valley. He often uses the idea of a valley to show tough times, suffering, loneliness, and pain. What are some of the valleys that you have been through in your life? Are you going through one now?
-What do you usually go to when you are hurting? Is there an activity or a person that you turn to?
-Why does the psalmist want us to look to God for our help? What makes God different from those activities or people we usually depend on?
Think about all of the stories about God that we have looked at in both the Old and New Testament. Has God ever failed to deliver one of His promises? We may not always understand why something happens, or why we feel the way we do, but when we trust God we are trusting the One who knows everything and has promised to watch out for us.
Pray that God would help you depend more on Him than on yourself or anything else. If you are going through a "valley" in your life, ask Him to give you strength to get through. Thank Him for watching over you and pray that He helps you develop an even closer relationship with Him.
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