Monday, February 28, 2011

Expect Unexpected Encounters (Tuesday, March 1)

Read: Acts 8:26-40

-What did God tell Philip about why he was supposed to go on this journey?

-Have you ever encountered someone like the Ethiopian, who doesn't understand what the Bible says?

-Are you prepared to share about Jesus if someone is confused?

After Philip left the man, he returned home and spread the news of Christ, bringing Christianity to Ethiopia. As a result of this man's evangelism, Ethiopia became a Christian nation, one of the first, and continues to this day. Imagine the impact you can have by just sharing the good news of Christ with one person!

Pray that God gives you confidence to share the Gospel, even when you may not expect the situation to come up. Pray that God leads you where He wants you to be so that you can impact people the way He led Philip to the Ethiopian. Finally, pray for the message of Jesus Christ to spread through Harrisonburg and to the entire world!

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