Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Love and do not be fooled (Wednesday, March 23)

Read: 2 John 4-11

-How does obeying God show that we love Him?

-What does John say that God commands us to do?

-What does John say about people that change the teachings of Christianity or teach false things about Jesus?

Pray that God gives you more and more love for Him and for other people in the world. Ask Him to help you understand how much He cares for you, and for help following His plan for your life. Pray that He gives you guidance so that you will be able to recognize when people are teaching things about Jesus that aren't true.

By Grace (Tuesday, March 22)

Read: Ephesians 2:1-10

-How does Paul describe what we were like before we were saved by Christ?

-Why does God save us?

-Using this passage, how would you define "grace"?

-If we aren't saved by good works, then why do we do them?

This is one of the most important passages for our faith. God saved us, not because of what we do but because of His incredible love for us. I hope that these verses encourage you!

Thank God for the grace that He showed you when He rescued you from sin and saved you. Ask Him to help you remember the price that He paid for you, and that it would change your life. Pray that He gives you guidance so that you can do all of the good works that He has planned for you.

Monday, March 21, 2011

You are protected (Monday, March 21)

Read: 2 Samuel 22:31-37 (This is a speech that King David gave near the end of his life)

-How does David describe God?

-What does God do for those who trust Him?

-Have you seen God working in your own life the way David saw it? How?

Yesterday in Sunday School we talked about David and Bathsheba, where David committed adultery and then murder. Yet here it is clear that David has never forsaken God. He knew that he was the one who was wrong - that God's commandments were perfect. This speech is given by someone who has messed up, but has run back to God.

Thank God that He is strong and powerful, and thank Him that He uses that strength to protect you and watch over you. Pray that God forgives you for mistakes you have made in the past the way He forgave David. Ask Him to guide you to live the life that He has planned for you.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Shut Up (Sunday, March 20)

Read: James 3:4-12

-Why does James compare a person's tongue to a small rudder that steers a huge ship?

-Think about this past week - who have you talked about negatively, or gossiped about? Who have you been mean or rude to? Whose feelings may have been hurt by something you said?

-Why does James say that we should "tame our tongue"?

-Look back at the people you have written about. This week, make it your goal to do the opposite of what you have done. If you have gossiped about someone in the past, say something positive about them to others. If you have been mean, go out of your way to be kind or polite. If you may have hurt someone's feelings, show kindness to them. Be intentional about how you talk to others.

Pray that God helps you tame your tongue. Ask him to help you stop talking negatively or gossiping about others, but instead to be kind with your words. Pray that this week you praise God with your mouth and that you use it to build others up as well!

Friday, March 18, 2011

He lifts you up (Saturday, March 19)

Read: Psalm 130

-Have you ever felt like you are "in the depths"? Like you are overwhelmed or don't know what to do? Who did the psalmist cry to when he felt like that?

-Why does the psalmist trust God? Why would he wait for Him or put his hope in Him?

-What will God do for His chosen people? Why is this good news for us?

Pray that God helps you through any difficult situation that you are going through. Thank Him that He has redeemed you from your sins, and that Jesus Christ paid the penalty for our sinfulness. Thank God that you can trust Him with anything, and praise Him for the blessings that He gives you in this life.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Flee (Friday, March 20)

Read: 1 Corinthians 6:18-20

-What do you think it means to "sin against your own body"?

-How does it change the way you look at your body and the decisions you make about your body when you know that it is a "temple of the Holy Spirit"?

-If you were "bought at a price", then how should that effect how you treat your body.

-Paul says you are not your own... whose are you? If you belong to someone else, how does that change the way you treat yourself?

Thank God that He paid the price to redeem you. Thank Him that you belong to Him and that He has made your body His temple. Pray that He helps you honor Him with your body and respect Him by fleeing from sexual sin.

Love it (Thursday, March 17)

Read: Romans 12:9-13

-What does sincere love look like vs. insincere love?

-What are ways that you honor other people above yourself? How could you get better at this?

-Paul says that we should be "joyful in hope, patient in affliction (suffering), and faithful in prayer", how do think you do at these three things? Set goals for yourself to improve at them.

-What does it mean to practice hospitality? How does that share God's love?

Pray that God gives you a heart that is full of love. Pray that He shows you the needs of other people and encourages you to put others before yourself. Ask Him to help you love other people the way He loves them.